Digital Course Creation

ATTN: Conscious Entrepreneurs, Disruptive Change Agents, & Visionary Do-Gooders!

TEDx Coaching

Personalized Coaching

Our coaching approach is as unique as you are. We cater to your specific needs, ensuring you excel at each stage of your TEDx journey, from idea formulation to performance to community engagement.There are three options to start with:

  • Idea Crafting & Application

  • Rehearsal, Memorization & Mindset

  • TEDx Talk Launch & Community Engagement

Thought Design

Craft a concept that will enthrall your spectators, encouraging them to make a move.

Application Mastery

We'll aid you in shaping a potent application strategy, boosting your chances of success.

Talk Design

Create a talk that authentically reflects your message and resonates with your audience.

Empirically Backed

We'll guide you to utilize research to substantiate your ideas and mastery of your subject matter.

Art of Storytelling

Use storytelling's potency to touch hearts and articulate influential TEDx talks.

Mindset Mastery

We'll coach you to overcome stage fright and imposter syndrome to exude confidence on stage.

Performance Polishing

Master techniques for memorizing and rehearsing your TEDx talk successfully.

Magnetic Stage Presence

Captivate your audience by leveraging stage presence and impactful body language.

Launch & Outreach Strategies

Discover ways to effectively market your TEDx talk and broaden your influence beyond the live event.

Melanie Klein | TEDx Farmingdale

650+ YouTube Comments

Guided by our coaching, Melanie Klein's TEDx talk evolved into a potent narrative that sparked nostalgia, punctuated by a Times Square billboard display. The outcome? A breathtaking performance that drew over 650 comments almost instantaneously.

Abby Havermann | TEDx Cherry Creek

Birth of a Movement

Harnessing Abby Havermann's raw talent, we collaboratively fine-tuned her unique ideas into a dynamic TEDx talk within just two and a half weeks, sparking a surge in momentum for her transformative "From Hot Mess to Harmony" challenge.

Sonal Patel | TEDxOcala

20,000+ Viewer Launch

We worked with Dr. Sonal Patel on her application to the prestigious TEDxOcala stage, Dr. Sonal Patel's impactful discourse on the importance of the '4th trimester' resonated with a whopping 20,000 viewers at the launch of her TEDx talk.


Marc Cordon

We worked with Dr. Sonal Patel on her application to the prestigious TEDxOcala stage, Dr. Sonal Patel's impactful discourse on the importance of the '4th trimester' resonated with a whopping 20,000 viewers at the launch of her TEDx talk.

  • Idea Crafting & Application

  • Rehearsal, Memorization & Mindset

  • TEDx Talk Launch & Community Engagement

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Thank you!

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